Football Season = Snack Season for Me!

Sure I love the pumpkin flavored coffees, the beautiful fall foliage, and the crisp air that calls for light jackets.  But what I could completely do without is football hogging up my TV every Sunday for the next few months.  I am not a girl that doesn’t like sports.  I love baseball, basketball and tennis.  I enjoy hockey – though I don’t watch it as much as the others.  I watch the pros and college.  I am glued to the Olympics.  But football is just not my thing.  I watch the Superbowl (sort of — if halftime and the commercials count.)  I live in a city that LOVES their football – the painted green faces, the chanting of E-A-G-L-E-S…  it’s all starting and I couldn’t be less thrilled!

So in an effort to turn lemons into lemonade…  I have decided to embrace the aspect that I do like about football…all the yummy dips and snacks.  There are 22 Sundays until the Superbowl.  I need your help finding 22 great dip or snack recipes!

Here are some I’ve found that I am going to try:

From the Brown Eyes Baker : Artichoke – Spinach Dip







From One Perfect Bite: Warm Black Bean Dip









From Our Best Bites: Hot Crab Dip








From She Knows Food & Recipes : Roasted Red Pepper Hummus






From The Girl Who Ate Everything : Individual Seven-Layer Dip










Let me know if you try any of the above.  What are your favorite recipes to make while watching football?  I need 17 more to make it to the Superbowl!  Leave me a comment with a link to a great recipe – or just type it in!

2 thoughts on “Football Season = Snack Season for Me!

  1. Cynthia Dartley says:

    Love the indy dips. It’s all about portion control.

    I use leftover chips and candy to make my “Mac Snack Attack Cookies” — kettle bbq chips, pretzels, butterfinger bars and other leftovers all go in to the cookie dough. Spread the love of snacking (and the love of keeping more money in your wallet) well into the week with these yummy cookies, great lunch-box and after-school snacking. find recipe at

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